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How to Edit Maneuver Graphics and Enemy SITTEMPManeuver Graphics provide boundaries in which you intend the player to play, tell him where he can initially place his forces, and orient him on an objective for the mission. When referenced in the OPORD, they give him all of the information he needs to play the scenario. For a complete description of the maneuver graphics that are used in the US military, see the Armored Task Force User's Manual and FM 101-5-1, which ships with Armored Task Force in electronic format, on the CD. The steps for editing the Enemy SITTEMP (which gives the player an idea of how the enemy may be arrayed) are identical except that, instead of initially selecting 'Maneuver Graphics', you select 'Enemy SITTEMP' from the 'Component'-'OPORD'-'Edit' menu. Initiate The Graphics Edit Mode:Initially, your scenario does not have Maneuver Graphics. However, adding a Maneuver Graphics component is done automatically by the editor when you begin the process of Editing the graphics.
Change the Pen Width:All graphics (Maneuver and Enemy SITTEMP) are drawn with the current 'pen'. By setting the width of the pen, you can change the thickness of all subsequent lines drawn while editing. Each graphic object you draw 'remembers' what pen width it was drawn with and will always draw itself with that pen width.
Draw a Line on the Graphics:The line is the most basic object you will create to build graphics. A line is defined by a number of points that you identify on the map. Each point you identify will be highlighted with a green square.
Draw Rectangles and Circles:Circles and rectangles indicate important locations such as artillery position areas, objectives, and attack positions. The ATF Scenario Builder makes it easy to build them.
Draw Text:The Text Tool allows you to add text to your maneuver graphics, so that you can reference objects from the Maneuver Graphics in your OPORD.
Copy Graphic Objects:The ATF Scenario Builder makes it easy to draw a large number of similar graphics quickly by copying or cutting objects from one location and pasting them in multiple locations elsewhere.
Paste Copied Graphic Objects:Once you have copied graphics, the 'Paste' function will become active. This allows you to place any number of copies of the copied graphics on the map.
Edit the Enemy SITTEMP or End Editing: