Set Victory Conditions

The Mission file ties together all of the files which make up the scenario. If you use the Scenario Wizard to create scenarios, the BCT Construction Set will take care of most of this management for you (with the exception of adding Enemy Battle Plans). The Mission File also provides a brief introduction to the scenario you have created. You must provide this information yourself.

Most importantly, the Mission file tells BCT what the scenario player must do to win the scenario and end the game. This information is called Victory Conditions.

In our example, we are setting victory conditions for an attack to seize an objective called "OBJ SHARP".

First, we need to talk about UTM coordinates. When you move the arrow over the map, coordinates appear in the Status Bar at the bottom of the main window. They will look something like this:

For the purposes of Victory Conditions, ignore the letters. The first for numbers (1223) are the EASTING. This is the left-to-right coordinate of the spot you are pointing at. They will increase as you move to the right. The second four numbers (6643) are the NORTHING. This is the down-to-up coordinate of the point. They will increase as you move up. We'll talk about why this important next.

Find the EASTING of the westernmost boundary of your objective:


Find the NORTHING of the northernmost boundary of your objective:



Find the EASTING of the easternmost boundary of your objective:



Find the NORTHING of the westernmost boundary of your objective:



Now, select Edit from the Mission menu

This will open the Edit Mission Dialog.

We are attacking an objective, so we first click on the "Objective" check box...

And enter the name of our objective.

Now we type in the boundaries of our objective, which we recorded above. Note that "North" and "South" receive NORTHINGS, "East" and "West" receive EASTINGS.

Note: The options listed below are the only possible combinations of Victory Conditions. Other entries will either result in the game ending immediately in BCT, or never ending. If you wish to create a scenario that never ends (useful for multiplayer play), simply leave these entries blank.

For the following instructions, only the specified boxes should be checked or filled in. Additional entries may produce unexpected results!

Attack to Seize an Objective. If the player must secure an area of the map, you must tell the game where this objective is. You will have to get the coordinates of the top, bottom, left, and right of the objective area from the map (this objective should be marked on the Maneuver Graphics so that the player knows where to attack).

Defend to Prevent Penetration. If the player must keep the enemy from crossing into a region, you must tell the game where this "No Penetration Line" is. You will have to get the coordinates of a point on this line (this line should be marked on the Maneuver Graphics so that the player knows where to defend).

Cross Line. In a mission such as a Movement to Contact, there may be no objective or No Pen Line. There will only be a region you must enter or a line you must cross. You must tell BCT where this region is. You will have to get the coordinates of the top, bottom, left, and/or right of this region from the map (this region or line should be marked on the Maneuver Graphics so that the player knows where to attack).

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