
ATF Scenario Builder

ATF Power Toolkit

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How to Use the 'Limited Mobility' Vehicle Capability

Vehicle Capabilities are attributes that give vehicles special capabilities.  Raging Tiger introduces a number of new and highly versatile Vehicle Capabilities.  The final capability that Raging Tiger adds is the 'Limited Mobility' attribute.  Rather than a "capability", this attribute is more of a restriction.  It limits the ground that a vehicle can traverse.

This attribute is intended for ground vehicles.  It will be ignored if combined with the 'Fixed Wing' or 'Rotary Wing' attribute.  It will, however, coexist with the 'Amphibious' attribute, if also applied.

Add a 'Limited Mobility' Capability to a Vehicle:

Here, we assume that you have already created or opened a vehicle for editing.  For instructions on how to do this, see 'Create a new vehicle' from the ATF Power Toolkit tutorial.  The steps are the same in the Raging Tiger Power Toolkit.  These steps begin once the 'Vehicle Edit' dialog has been opened and the vehicle is ready for editing.

1. We are creating an 'LCAC' (Landing Craft, Air-Cushioned).  Again, we have already opened a vehicle for editing.  Select 'Add' from the 'Special Attributes' window.

2. Select 'Limited Mobility' and 'OK'.

3.  The 'Limited Mobility Attribute' window describes all of the data pertaining to this vehicle's limitations.

  • Terrain Slope Restriction?  If checked, the values in Maximum and Minimum Slope are observed.

  • Terrain Move Reduction Restriction?  Tells Raging Tiger that the value in Minimum Move Reduction is valid.

  • Terrain Height Restriction?  Tells Raging Tiger that the value in Maximum Terrain Height is valid.

  • Only Restrict for...  The vehicle will only be blocked by terrain that violates both the height and move reduction restrictions.
  • Maximum Slope.  In degrees, this is the maximum slope the vehicle can traverse.  An entry of  -99.0 tells the ATF Engine to ignore this value.
  • Minimum Slope.  In degrees (less than zero means down hill) this is the maximum slope the vehicle can traverse.  An entry of  -99.0 tells the ATF Engine to ignore this value.
  • Minimum Move Reduction.  This is the move reduction (defined in the Terrain Type) below which the vehicle will be blocked.
  • Maximum Terrain Height.  In meters, this is the maximum height of terrain that will block the vehicle.

Next Step: Create and Use Campaign Start Pages