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How to Add Radar Capabilities To A Vehicle

The Star and The Crescent introduces a new vehicle capability to simulate different forms of radar, heat seeking detection, sonar and other forms of high-tech detection.  

The remainder of this topic assumes that you are adding this capability to a vehicle you have all created.  To find out how to create a new vehicle, click here.


Open a Vehicle for Editing

The first step in adding a vehicle capability to a vehicle is to open that vehicle for editing.  

This sub-topic assumes that you have opened the The Star and the Crescent Power Toolkit and opened a database for editing.  To see how to do this, click here.

1. Select 'Edit' from the 'Vehicle' sub-menu of the 'Database' menu.

2. Select the vehicle to which you wish to add the radar capability, and select 'OK'.


Add a Radar Capability to a Vehicle

Once you have the vehicle opened for editing, it remains to add the radar capability you want, and configure it.

1. To add the new capability to this vehicle, select 'Add' under 'Special Attributes'.

2. Select the radar capability that you want to add.

3. Enter the statistics for this radar capability (see below).  When you are done, click 'OK' and then select "OK' in the 'Vehicle Data' dialog to finish.


Editing Radar Capability Attributes

There are actually six new capabilities associated with this addition to the ATF Engine.

Capability Description
Radar Detects any vehicle that is not a dismount, aircraft, or waterborne vehicle.
Dismount Radar Detects dismounts only.
Water Radar Detects waterborne vehicles only.
Counterfire Radar Detects artillery, rocket, and mortar indirect fire units while firing.
Air Radar Detects aircraft.
Radar Detector Detects radars of the specified type that are 'detectible'

Each capability utilizes a different 'Radar Attribute' window, with slightly different entries.  Air Radars have two sets of limits, one for Rotary-Wing Aircraft, and one for Fixed-Wing Aircraft.  Counterfire Radars also have two sets of limits, one for high angle, and one for low angle fire.

Capability Used in... Description
Is Detectible? All but Radar Detector If checked, this radar cannot be detected by Radar Detectors
Signature Strength All but Radar Detector A modifier which impacts how "detectable" this radar is.  If 0, the radar is undetectable, just as if the above setting was checked
Always On? All but Radar Detector If checked, this radar is always detecting, and is not effected by the "Radiate" order.  If combined with an unchecked value for "Is Detectible", the radar will never display a "radar" symbol, even when the "Radiate" order is active.
Radiate When Moving Only? All but Radar Detector If checked, this radar will only radiate while moving.  If combined with the above setting, the radar will automatically radiate when moving, even without the "Radiate" order.
Right Limit All The right limit of detection, in relation to the vehicle facing, in mils.  If the value is -99, both limits are ignored.
Left Limit All The left limit of detection, in relation to the vehicle facing, in mils.  If the value is -99, both limits are ignored.
Range All The maximum range (in 10's of meters) at which an object will be detected as "unidentified" by this radar.
Positive Identification Range All The maximum range (in 10's of meters) at which an object will be detected as "identified" by this radar.  If this value is -99, then the radar cannot positively identify enemy vehicles.
Ignore Terrain All If true, the radar will disregard special terrain such as trees and buildings.
Ignore LOS All If true, the radar will disregard both special terrain such as trees and buildings and masking terrain such as hills and mountains.
Detect Moving Only All If true, this radar will only detect moving objects, not stationary objects.
Minimum Detection Altitude Air Radar Only The minimum altitude (above ground level, in meters) at which aircraft will be detected.
Maximum Detection Altitude Air Radar Only The maximum altitude (above ground level, in meters) at which aircraft will be detected.
Radar Types Radar Detector Only The types of radars this detector can detect (excluding those with the "is Detectible" set to false).
Detect When Moving Only Radar Detector Only If set, this detector will only spot enemy radars when it is moving.  If combined with "Always On", this detector will always detect when moving.

Next Step: Add the 'Moving Indirect Fire' Capability to a Vehicle